erin + lawrence || the practice paid off

Wow, our first highlights film of 2011. We booked this wedding a little last minute but we are so incredibly glad we were able to apart of it. Erin + Lawrence are an amazing couple. They went to high-school together but it wasn't until after they graduated that they discovered how perfect they were for each other and fell in love. Lawrence is a little camera shy but when Erin is around it doesn't seem to bother him. Erin loves her dog Kiwi with all of her heart, but she loves Lawrence even more. We were really struck about how much these two care about family. The entire reception was filled with loving speeches and incredible musical performances by loved ones. Even Lawrence took a turn on stage to play a heartfelt violin piece for his new wife. We had such a great time with Erin + Lawrence and we are so happy we get to kick off 2011 with their highlights film. Check it out below and let us know what you think!

Photography by Dragonflight Photography