
Our New Internet Home

It's really amazing how much things change. Time goes on and each day feels exactly like the day before. You work every day at the same tasks, often thankless tasks that produce little if any instant gratification. You don't really notice how much time has gone by until all of a sudden, in a flash! - you wake up and realize how long its been, and how far you've come. You wake up and it's the same as any other day, but it's a different day. That is what the completion of this new website has been for us.

We realized that through doing the ‘same’ thing every day for 8 years, we have come to do something completely different. By challenging ourselves to make every wedding as unique and personal to each couple as we can, we have been able to tell countless stories in countless many ways. We have strived to continually raise the level of our work while not losing what it is that makes us unique, not losing what makes us Hello Tomorrow.

It's not always the big things that produce the drastic results. It's the little things that you do everyday that create the biggest and greatest change. I have a new appreciation for the little things :)

We have been creating wedding films for 8 years now (how on earth has it been 8 years?!) For 8 years we have done the same work, but all of a sudden - FLASH! It's a different work. Have a look for yourself!


apple display website screenshot


We hope you enjoy perusing the new site! Be sure to watch our new about video! It's been years in the making and we're so excited to share it. We'll be sure to share a more detailed post on the video really soon.

This website has been a mountain of work and we have to send a special thank you to everyone who helped us out:

First off, the always INcredible Heather Hastings. She's our go-to designer and she's amazing! She spent countless hours designing and perfecting the look of the site to best reflect us and we couldn't be happier. Heather you're the best!

Now you all know we are huge fans of our friends Shari + Mike, so it was a no brainer to ask then to take our new promotional photos. We are beyond thrilled with the photos! Check out their blog post for a few more!

Also a large portion of the coding wizardry was done by the brilliant Duane Cilliers! Thank you so much for all of your help Duane!

Odd Numbers

I don’t like many odd numbers. I don't know why but I’ve always been that way. In sports when I would get stuck with an odd numbered jersey I would be bummed all season (stupid 21 – I wanted 8!). So when this past year of 2013 rolled around I thought, “well, better power through and make the best of this gross ‘13’ year.” So how surprised was I when this year turned out to be my favorite one ever! Firstly, work this year has been the best. Every single couple we’ve worked with we have loved so so much. THANK YOU EVERY COUPLE WE’VE WORKED WITH THIS PAST YEAR! We have been so honored and blessed to tell your stories and get to know you. One of the weddings we shot even won us the “Best Cinematographer” award from the BC Wedding Awards – whaaaa?! Check it out below! (Thank you Jackie and Darrin! Hope you’re doing well and loving married life. How is your dog?)

Besides all of this, we’ve gotten to do a fair bit of travel – some for work and some for fun. For work, we ended up all the way in Perth Australia where we were able to film the torch-and-teepee wedding (this is what I call it now) of our friends Honni and Matt, while touring the beautiful city and meeting so many wonderful people who we miss so much… (you know who you are). About a month later Mac and I went on our Christmas dream trip for 2 days only… to DISNEYLAND! Oh good grief was this the best time. I will say though, our insane excitement for Christmas and our equally insane love of Disneyland didn’t mesh as well as I had thought. My emotions didn't know what to do – they were so confused! I felt like I should be driving to Palm Desert for vacation afterwards not going home to cold… WELL – now we know! (still crazy fun)

When we did return for Christmas we got to film our dear friend's engagement, went to Tim Hortons a lot (that place makes us so patriotic and their Christmas cups are the best!), had a couple of the best Christmases yet (we oddly both really love our in-laws) and my cousin got engaged to Maclean’s best buddy from childhood – who woulda thought?!

All in all, I have no idea how 2014 is gonna top 2013, but I’m certain it will – 14 is a great number! We have really big plans for this year and lots of changes and we can't wait to share them with you! (No mom, we're not pregnant) AND we're planning to get our health on and utilize my beloved Vitamix a little more. We hope you all have your best new years yet - come on even numbers!


jackie + darrin || like a fun princess from Hello Tomorrow on Vimeo.

It's Here!

Well it's finally here! Branding refresh, new blog and a whole new site. Whadya think? Pretty nice eh?! Earlier this year we wanted to make the leap to a completely custom designed site so we asked the brilliant Heather Hastings - extreme graphic designer (I added the extreme) - to puh-lease help us! We were super vague with our instructions to Heather, but super specific with what we wanted in our heads so we said "Heather, please make our branding and website better reflect who we are and what we're all about. Thank you." and BAM! She did! And its PERFECT!

(Fun Fact: Heather Hastings also happens to be a super close friend of ours AND she recently got engaged to our other super close friend! YAAAY friend wedding!)

So click around! Explore this place! We'd love some feedback so feel free to give us a shout out in a comment, on Facebook or Twitter, OR shout it out in person if you see us! (please shout nicely though… don't yell… )

Special shout out to the always incredible Jamie Delaine for her amazing photo skills. All the photos of us on the site are by her :)

Special thanks to the brilliant Mark Kimmel, for coding the site!


First off… this blog hasn't been updated in a while. I feel bad. Forgive me? The reason is we've been quite busy lately (poor excuse) as the summer wedding season has kicked off. We've been having a blast so far but it's definitely our busiest season yet. We have some awesome wedding highlight films that we can't wait to post and also some other special projects… you'll see soon, I promise. It's crazy to me that it's almost august. Especially since the summer weather has barely been showing it's face lately. It really doesn't feel like summer at all to me. Erin and I have been escaping to Cultus lake as often as we can and the weather has been so dreary! Oh well. I've got a feeling it's gonna pick up and we're gonna have 100 days of sun.

Over the next month we'll be doing a lot of travelling, so many updates will be from the road. If you'd like, you can follow me on twitter or our official twitter account. I've been on Erin's case lately to get on this twitter train and she's starting to think about it… maybe you guys can help me out by leaving some comments telling her to get on it.

In the next couple days we'll be posting a highlights film from a couple weeks ago. It's really great and we can't wait to share. Anywho… I'm starting to ramble.

Oh Cultus... how I love thee.

PS if you haven't listened to Bon Iver's new album... well... you should.